LEGO Partnership: Building Tomorrow




The idea derives from the Latin for a race, or the course of a race.  Today, the word curriculum is defined by Miriam Webster as “the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.” 

In Enfield, curriculum writing and revision is a continuous process that is undertaken to ensure that student learning experiences are rigorous and relevant. The curricula offer students and teachers a thorough and comprehensive set of intentionally aligned components that create road-map for learning.  Curriculum is the means to attain the stated educational goals. Key components in Enfield’s rigorous and relevant curriculum include:

  • 3-4 priority standards
  • Supporting standards
  • Aligned formative and summative assessment
  • Engaging and highly effective learning experiences
  • Sequenced units of study
  • Pacing Calendars
  • Academic vocabulary
  • Differentiation and extension activities

In June 2010, the state of Connecticut adopted the Common Core State Standards. This document was informed by standards in high performing countries and high performing states in the US.  The National Governors’ Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers the driving force behind the standards which have been adopted in 45 states.  CCSS outlines standards in English/Language Arts, Mathematics and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science  and Technical Subjects.  The Common Core Standards are  not a curriculum, but a set of standards that must be paired with a content rich curriculum and robust assessments. Enfield’s curriculum in English, Reading and Mathematics have been aligned to CCSS over the past two years. Students who master the high school standards will enter college and the workplace with the appropriate readiness skills needed for success.

Enfield’s curriculum design is based on Larry Ainsworth model of Rigorous Curriculum Design (RCD) and informed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe’s Understanding By Design (UBD) framework. Each document outlines:

  • What all students should be able to know and do (standards)
  • How we teach these standards (instruction)
  • How will we know if students learned the standards (assessment)
  • What we will do if students do not master the standards (differentiation) or master them easily (extension)