
Home  Curriculum  Grades 6 - 8  English



The English Language Arts Curriculum in grades 6, 7, and 8 currently reflects our efforts to transition to the rigors of the Common Core State Standards and the expectations of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. Ultimately, our goal is to foster the development of literate, self-directed individuals, capable of achieving personal goals for college and career. 

Students will engage in multiple and close readings of a range of increasingly complex literary and informational text, determining central idea or theme based on supporting details. They will learn to stay within the boundaries of the text, analyzing and citing evidence to explain, not only what the text says explicitly, but what it infers. Among other things, this will require instruction in text structure, author’s voice and bias, tone and style, and figurative language.

The writing component of this curriculum uses the Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study implemented through the Writers Workshop model. Teachers will engage students in narrative, informational, and argumentative writing tasks based on models of what good writers do.  Students will learn to write to a specific audience with an evident awareness of purpose. They will learn to write clearly and coherently, using effective techniques and relevant, descriptive details in a well-structured text.

Integral to our curriculum, is that students will be provided ample opportunities to develop and to practice speaking and listening skills. A variety of best practice learning arrangements, including independent, paired, small group, and whole group endeavors will be used to support this goal.  

Finally, in order to scaffold their writing and speaking with relevant and pertinent information, students will engage in research and inquiry, investigating topics, and analyzing, integrating, and presenting their findings, effectively. This implies that students also demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English, spell correctly, and grow their academic and content specific vocabulary.

English Resources
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